Well if you hadn't guessed things have been busy. Reavis started college on August 2oth and so did I. Poor John isn't going to know what to do with 2 college students. I am trying to get back into the swing of making myself study and keep up with homework. It has been a long time since I have been a student. Reavis is liking school so far and is still working on a regular basis. I am taking Math, Philosophy, and Public Speaking. Taking 9 hrs and working full time is enough for me. One of my coworkers is taking 12 hrs and working full time. I am not sure that I could do that.
Bentley and I have missed our first novice class. I am hoping that we can make it Monday but I also have to take my car to the shop and have the inspection done so I can relicense. The joys or car ownership.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
The Most Awesome Vaction Ever
Well it has been way to long since I posted. The first thing I want to tell you about is the amazing vacation that I took this summer. I went with some friends to the Havasupai Indian reservation in the base of the Grand Canyon. The scenery is truly beautiful, breath taking and worth every mile I walked to get to it. We drove from Missouri to Arizona in about 3 days. We stopped to see the Oklahoma City bombing memorial, that will truly humble you. It was very worth seeing, if you have an opportunity I highly recommend it.
We stopped at the painted desert and the petrified forest along the way. It was nice to get out and walk around a bit since we had spent so many hours in the car. The painted desert was beautiful but I am told by a gal that use to live there it is more beautiful after it has just rained. The petrified forest was something to see, you wouldn't believe all those trees turned to stone, amazing.
There there was the hike. It began at the Haluapi hilltop approximatley 10 miles from the campground. It is 8 miles from the hilltop to the indian village where you have to stop and check in. We all packed our gear, food, clothing and anything else we needed in our back packs and headed down the trail. The first 2 miles were downhill switchbacks, then 6 miles of river bed rocks and red sandy dirt. We made it to the village just when we were beginning to wonder if we would ever make it to the campground. There is a little restraunt in the village that we stopped and had a rootbeer before continuing on to the campground. Those last 2 miles were a killer, every muscle in my body hurt and my knees were screaming that they had enough. Just when I wasn't sure if I could make my feet move one in front of the other we saw the first waterfall. Oh yeah I can make it, this place is amazing. I think this trip we all found out what we were made of, it took us about 4.5 to 5 hrs to make it from the hilltop to the campground. The first thing we did was take a nap, and we deserved it. We stayed 3 nights here and are hoping to repeat this trip in a few years.
Here is the link to a slideshow of just some of the photos from the hiking trip.
We stopped at the painted desert and the petrified forest along the way. It was nice to get out and walk around a bit since we had spent so many hours in the car. The painted desert was beautiful but I am told by a gal that use to live there it is more beautiful after it has just rained. The petrified forest was something to see, you wouldn't believe all those trees turned to stone, amazing.
There there was the hike. It began at the Haluapi hilltop approximatley 10 miles from the campground. It is 8 miles from the hilltop to the indian village where you have to stop and check in. We all packed our gear, food, clothing and anything else we needed in our back packs and headed down the trail. The first 2 miles were downhill switchbacks, then 6 miles of river bed rocks and red sandy dirt. We made it to the village just when we were beginning to wonder if we would ever make it to the campground. There is a little restraunt in the village that we stopped and had a rootbeer before continuing on to the campground. Those last 2 miles were a killer, every muscle in my body hurt and my knees were screaming that they had enough. Just when I wasn't sure if I could make my feet move one in front of the other we saw the first waterfall. Oh yeah I can make it, this place is amazing. I think this trip we all found out what we were made of, it took us about 4.5 to 5 hrs to make it from the hilltop to the campground. The first thing we did was take a nap, and we deserved it. We stayed 3 nights here and are hoping to repeat this trip in a few years.
Here is the link to a slideshow of just some of the photos from the hiking trip.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Proud of my Graduate

Reavis graduated high school on May 17, 2009!! I can't believe how fast the time has flown by. When John and I started dating Reavis was only 9 years old....by this fall he will be in college. Where does the time go? Reavis is growing into a fine young man and I am sure that will only continue. He participated in the A+ program and will be attending OTC this fall. For those of you who aren't familiar with A+ it means that his schooling at OTC is paid for and there will be no need for student loans. We will need to pay for his books.
He had his brother Nathan take his senior pictures. I am having a hard time picking the photos I would like to have, Nathan did a great job. I can't wait to look at them with John and decide which ones we would like to order.
Friday, May 1, 2009
St. Louis Cardinal Game on April 25th...what a blast
Pujols hit a grand slam to get his 1000th RBI and I got to be there to see it.
<-Yes we were this close to the field. Let me tell you it was awesome.
Thanks Jessica. I am so glad you asked us to go, we had a great time. This was by far one of the best games I have ever gotten to see. I had never been to a Cardinals vs. Cubs game before. I had a great time and would definitely go again. It was a great time. John loved every minute of it.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
First Backpacking trip
Thanks Mel, I had an awesome time. I went on my first backpacking trip ever. It wasn't a big hike but I had a great time. Mellisa, Ace (German shepherd), myself and Gambler (dalmatian) went to Hercules Glades. It was a 2.5 miles in to the falls and all up hill on the hike out. The waterfall was pretty. There were a lot of hikers out that weekend. We picked a place off the trail to camp for a little more serenity. We had lunch at the water's edge. I just had some jerky and trail mix. I wasn't to hungry. We collected wood and made a fire ring so we could have a camp fire and for dinner we made chicken and dumplings...it turned out good.
We decided that when we woke up in the morning we were going to hike to the falls and enjoy it when there was no one around. We had a couple of cups of hot tea and watched the sun finish coming up. I could have sat there for hours just listening to the water run over the rocks. We cooked breakfast while we were there, mmmm cheese quesadillas. I took several photos of the area, the camp site, and the boys. I sure wished we could have sat there longer but we planned on being back to the car no later than 2pm and it was going on 1030 and time to break camp for the hike back out.
This was Gam's first time hiking and camping. He did really good wearing the back pack that carried his supplies. I was so proud of him. He got in the water a little but it was a bit cool for him. Ace on the other hand went for a swim. Gambler and Ace played a lot, what a relief that they go along so well. I swear the pack got heavier after the hike in, I know it didn't but it seemed like it. I did have to take the pack off once on the way out. I thought a did pretty well considering I have a desk job and I am not use to hiking a lot. I am trying to build up to my planned trip into the Grand Canyon this year. We will see how it goes but I am looking forward to the next hike.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Catching up
Seems like things just pile on and you don't ever feel like you get caught up. I need to make a list of all the things to do at the house. You know I have had a few days off and I don't think I got much accomplished. I hate house work. I need to do some major spring cleaning. I am not going to put it off any longer. I am going to make my list tonight and see if I can't get it all accomplished by Monday night.
I had totally forgot that fun and games class starts on Sunday so I need to get my treats all ready to go and the rest of my equipment that I will need. This class has always been a great class. I took Brady and Bradley both to this when they were young and now it is Bentley's turn. I can't wait. We are going to be doing so recall work and Bentley and I can use some help in that department for sure. It is going to be a big challenge for Bentley because two of his play buddies are going to be in this class. I love a challenge!!
Bentley and are going to be taking a rally class on Monday too. I am excited about it. I am hoping since he has matured a little more and it isn't in the agility field that we will both do a lot better. I am planning on maybe getting to show him in Rally sometime this year.
I had totally forgot that fun and games class starts on Sunday so I need to get my treats all ready to go and the rest of my equipment that I will need. This class has always been a great class. I took Brady and Bradley both to this when they were young and now it is Bentley's turn. I can't wait. We are going to be doing so recall work and Bentley and I can use some help in that department for sure. It is going to be a big challenge for Bentley because two of his play buddies are going to be in this class. I love a challenge!!
Bentley and are going to be taking a rally class on Monday too. I am excited about it. I am hoping since he has matured a little more and it isn't in the agility field that we will both do a lot better. I am planning on maybe getting to show him in Rally sometime this year.
Monday, March 2, 2009
March is going to be a crazy month
It looks like March is going to be incredibly busy. I teach puppy classes on Monday nights. I am teaching 2 agility classes at SMDTC on Tuesday nights from March 10th to April 14th. I am taking Obedience Rally Skills at SMDTC on Monday days starting 3-16 and a Sunday tricks class that starts March 15th both with Bentley. Did I mention this is on top of my full time job. LOL I know I just have tons on my schedule but I wouldn't have it any other way. Oh and on days off in there I am training Gambler for TDX. This is the time of year that drives my husband crazy because I am gone all the time. He knows this is what makes me happy getting to play with the dogs. I also have 2 visits a month with Chester for Pet therapy of the Ozarks. I am just getting started on training hikes for my vacation in June.
Shhh....don't tell John but it looks like the house isn't going to get a spring cleaning for a while.
I am planning on taking Gambler with me to Busiek State Forest to do some training hikes. I am also planning on doing some hikes with another friend of mine those will probably be done at Wilson's creek. I am enjoying the hiking. I want to make sure I am in good shape before I go to the Grand Canyon in June. I purchased the remainder of my backpacking equipment and I can't wait for it to get here so I can load it all up in my pack and hike.
Shhh....don't tell John but it looks like the house isn't going to get a spring cleaning for a while.
I am planning on taking Gambler with me to Busiek State Forest to do some training hikes. I am also planning on doing some hikes with another friend of mine those will probably be done at Wilson's creek. I am enjoying the hiking. I want to make sure I am in good shape before I go to the Grand Canyon in June. I purchased the remainder of my backpacking equipment and I can't wait for it to get here so I can load it all up in my pack and hike.
Monday, February 16, 2009
I have come to realize just how amazing my friends are. There aren't a lot of folks who would come and help you rebuild your fence when it is less than 40 degrees outside. I have always known that I had good friends but this weekend they even amazed me. THANK YOU !!! My grandparents came down to help with the fence. My Grandpa, John and I dug post holes, mixed concrete and set posts all day on Friday. Reavis was suppose to help but didn't. On Saturday I had more help than I could have imagined. Jessica and her husband Jason, Carolyn, Mike and their son Ken, Merry and Bruce, Misti and her kids all came to lend a hand with the fence. Once the fence was almost finished I ran out and picked up pizza to feed everyone lunch. I can say that this is something I will always remember. If you all ever need me to lend a hand please just ask, I will be there. I sat down after everyone had left and wrote each one a thank you card. It just didn't feel like that was enough. I pray that God blesses each one of them for their kindness that day. My boys were so happy to have their yard back. Merry let Bandit run and play with the boys for a while. I think they all had a great time.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Officially and F1
The storm was officially confirmed a F1 tornado. Here is a slideshow of the damage. I am so greatful that this didn't turn out any worse.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tornado or Straight line Winds
There were some really bad storms that came through tonight. My hubby called me at work at 11pm, he never calls me at work unless it is bad. Yep, you guessed it...we got hit. If it was a tornado it wasn't a big one Thank God. My husband and the boys(our Bostons) are ok, again ...Thank God. I am hoping everything is ok at my Mom's. She lives in another state that the storms traveled through. I talked to my Grandma and let her know what happened. She said she had been worried about us. There were several reports of damage around town but thankfully no injuries.
The damage report I got from John was as follows:
Shingles everywhere, trampoline in the driveway, neighbor lost the tree in their front yard, the chain link fence where the gate is located is all messed up, there is basically no back fence with the exception of a few 6 foot sections
The real joy is that the boys now have to go out on leash to potty when renders the dog door pointless. Chester and Brady can go out with no leash since they are good boys. Bentley's nose always takes him out of the yard. Bradley well that just isn't going to happen because he hates the neighbor's cat and that would bad. I will take photos in the morning and try to post them later on.
The damage report I got from John was as follows:
Shingles everywhere, trampoline in the driveway, neighbor lost the tree in their front yard, the chain link fence where the gate is located is all messed up, there is basically no back fence with the exception of a few 6 foot sections
The real joy is that the boys now have to go out on leash to potty when renders the dog door pointless. Chester and Brady can go out with no leash since they are good boys. Bentley's nose always takes him out of the yard. Bradley well that just isn't going to happen because he hates the neighbor's cat and that would bad. I will take photos in the morning and try to post them later on.
Monday, February 2, 2009
A little fun in the snow
Friday, January 23, 2009
Seriously People
Ok...Really do you not think I have thought this through? Weather sucks which means there isn't a lot of aircraft traffic. We have 2 on the upper helipads and none on the lower pads. The doors on the upper pads are malfunctioning. We are told by security that they will be shutting of the power to those doors and we need to use the lower pads. Ok no big deal right? Well the winds are high so the pilots prefer the elevated pads for safety. Security says well if they can't land on the lower pads then you might want to think about landing them on the ground. Really? As if in my 10 years as a flight communicator and my 6 years as a dispatch supervisor that I wouldn't have thought of that all by myself. Holy smokes, what do you think they pay us for?
Then we get a call for a rollover with ejection. For non medical folks that means someone was thrown from the vehicle. Rescue proceeds to tell our ambulance they might want to get a helicopter started. A...We already thought of that. B...We have already checked with the pilot. C...there is weather and they can't fly. Again, what do you think they pay us for? We know how to do our jobs but thanks for the information.
End of Rant.
Then we get a call for a rollover with ejection. For non medical folks that means someone was thrown from the vehicle. Rescue proceeds to tell our ambulance they might want to get a helicopter started. A...We already thought of that. B...We have already checked with the pilot. C...there is weather and they can't fly. Again, what do you think they pay us for? We know how to do our jobs but thanks for the information.
End of Rant.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I am totally excited. Today should be a good day. It's Reavis' 18th birthday. I can assure you he will be spending it with his friends and not his Dad and step-mom. We are to boring for an 18 year old to hang out with.
I have obtained my CGC evaluator status and will soon be putting it to good use. We will be teaching a AKC S.T.A.R. puppy class and it starts today. This will be the first class of this kind that I have taught based on this new program. I can't wait to see if we can get the class interested and commited to the classes and their dogs. It has always been an important part of my personal dog training that all my dogs pass their CGC test. It is always the first goal I set for my pet that I am training. I think it is a good foundation for all other training.
I have obtained my CGC evaluator status and will soon be putting it to good use. We will be teaching a AKC S.T.A.R. puppy class and it starts today. This will be the first class of this kind that I have taught based on this new program. I can't wait to see if we can get the class interested and commited to the classes and their dogs. It has always been an important part of my personal dog training that all my dogs pass their CGC test. It is always the first goal I set for my pet that I am training. I think it is a good foundation for all other training.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
This is what I have been up to
I did get Chester to his vet appointment and the gals in the office were flipping me shit about having a bill ready to go out in the mail. I asked them if was going to say please pay in X number of jars of apple butter. We all laughed. They said that they ate apple butter on everything until it was gone. I make a point to be good to the gals in the office and my vet. They are always willing to answer any questions I have and they have been taking care of My Boston's for the last 8 years. We got Chester's shots all caught up, rymadil for Bradley (Mr. 100 mph) and interceptor for all the boys. Now I just need to get the new shot record to St. John's pediatrics tomorrow when Chester goes for his visit. I need to see if PTO needs the new copy too.
Went to my Mom's this past weekend and put photo albums together. She must have been saving photos for the last I don't know how many years. We spent the better part of 8 hours working on photos and when we used all the albums she had, she found 3 more boxes of photos. Wow, guess I will be going back for a round two. While Mom and I were working on photos my step-dad went to the store and when he got home you know the dogs had to see who was coming in. Bentley ran down stairs to great him. As Floyd opened the door from the garage to the house, Bentley ran out into the garage with out Floyd knowing. Floyd went in and put all the groceries away went back to the laundry room and heard a dog crying in the garage. When he opened the door there was Bentley. Thank Goodness because the entire time he was in the garage the garage door was wide open. He could have gone anywhere in Tulsa, OK he would have liked. I am so glad he decided to stay close to home. Floyd would have never forgiven himself if something had happened to my boy. Floyd took me out to the shooting range and that was fun. I hadn't shot a gun since I was a kid.
I have a really neat vacation planned this year. My best friend Meghan, her son Kieran, her friend Dan and I are going backpacking in the Grand Canyon. We are going to the Havasupai reservation. It is beautiful and I am totally excited. I got our reservations for camping confirmed so the trip is official. We will be camping 3 nights. The hike in is 8 miles to the Indian reservation and 2 more miles to the campsite. I am totally excited. I have been compiling my supplies already but we aren't going until June. I am working on trying to get in shape for the hike. I have started cutting back on the crap I eat and I have been walking more. The next thing I need to get is my hiking boots so I can start breaking them in. No, my husband isn't going because hiking and roughing it really isn't his thing. I love it. Just think for 3 days I won't have to answer a phone or a pager. I can just admire the beauty of the Grand Canyon and the waterfalls, could it get any better? That is one thing I love just getting away. I think that is why I like to go the Bennett and trout fish, you just forget about everything but the fish. If you like hiking and you want to see some beautiful country google Havasupai. It is truly and amazingly beautiful place.
Went to my Mom's this past weekend and put photo albums together. She must have been saving photos for the last I don't know how many years. We spent the better part of 8 hours working on photos and when we used all the albums she had, she found 3 more boxes of photos. Wow, guess I will be going back for a round two. While Mom and I were working on photos my step-dad went to the store and when he got home you know the dogs had to see who was coming in. Bentley ran down stairs to great him. As Floyd opened the door from the garage to the house, Bentley ran out into the garage with out Floyd knowing. Floyd went in and put all the groceries away went back to the laundry room and heard a dog crying in the garage. When he opened the door there was Bentley. Thank Goodness because the entire time he was in the garage the garage door was wide open. He could have gone anywhere in Tulsa, OK he would have liked. I am so glad he decided to stay close to home. Floyd would have never forgiven himself if something had happened to my boy. Floyd took me out to the shooting range and that was fun. I hadn't shot a gun since I was a kid.
I have a really neat vacation planned this year. My best friend Meghan, her son Kieran, her friend Dan and I are going backpacking in the Grand Canyon. We are going to the Havasupai reservation. It is beautiful and I am totally excited. I got our reservations for camping confirmed so the trip is official. We will be camping 3 nights. The hike in is 8 miles to the Indian reservation and 2 more miles to the campsite. I am totally excited. I have been compiling my supplies already but we aren't going until June. I am working on trying to get in shape for the hike. I have started cutting back on the crap I eat and I have been walking more. The next thing I need to get is my hiking boots so I can start breaking them in. No, my husband isn't going because hiking and roughing it really isn't his thing. I love it. Just think for 3 days I won't have to answer a phone or a pager. I can just admire the beauty of the Grand Canyon and the waterfalls, could it get any better? That is one thing I love just getting away. I think that is why I like to go the Bennett and trout fish, you just forget about everything but the fish. If you like hiking and you want to see some beautiful country google Havasupai. It is truly and amazingly beautiful place.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
The start of the new year
My best friend Meghan and her son came down over new years. We had a great time and I really enjoyed hanging out with them. We were roommates for the first two years of her son's life. I can't hardly believe he will be ten this year. Yes I know, I am getting old. While she was here we planned and awesome vacation to the Grand Canyon. I am beyond excited about that and have done a ridiculous amount of research for the trip already. It will be an 10 mile hike to the campground and I am not sure how much more hiking we will be doing our 3 night stay. This will be my first backpacking trip so I am trying to learn all I can. I already purchased my pack and my next big purchase will be my hiking boots. The rest of my supplies I am going to try to aquire in a thrifty manner since things can add up fast. My goal for my pack is 25lbs or less and this should include everything I will need for the time I am there. Meghan emailed today and Kieran broke his arm, poor kid, I hope it heals up with no trouble.
I am off work tomorrow so I am going to be the exciting chore of taking down the Christmas tree. It shouldn't take to long to take down but then I have to put it in the attic. Speaking of attic I so should have done this a few days ago when the weather was nice. I really need to go through that attic and get rid of some things that are stored up there that I am more than likely never going to use. My plan was to do that this past summer and get the items to a garage sale but you see that didn't happen. I am hoping now that I can just get them to good will.
It is time for Chester to go the vet for his shots and I have set an appointment for him twice and forgotten about it both times. My vet probably would like to kick me in the butt. I feel really bad and I appoligized to the ladies in the office. I rescheduled for this Thursday when I have a day off and this time I wrote it on the calander.
I am off work tomorrow so I am going to be the exciting chore of taking down the Christmas tree. It shouldn't take to long to take down but then I have to put it in the attic. Speaking of attic I so should have done this a few days ago when the weather was nice. I really need to go through that attic and get rid of some things that are stored up there that I am more than likely never going to use. My plan was to do that this past summer and get the items to a garage sale but you see that didn't happen. I am hoping now that I can just get them to good will.
It is time for Chester to go the vet for his shots and I have set an appointment for him twice and forgotten about it both times. My vet probably would like to kick me in the butt. I feel really bad and I appoligized to the ladies in the office. I rescheduled for this Thursday when I have a day off and this time I wrote it on the calander.
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