I am hoping to have some new pics to post after Sunday. Bentley and I are in a TD test. I am bit nervous this trial has a lot of firsts. First dog I have ever trained for tracking, first tracking test, first time I will know so many folks at a trial. I know a lot of folks at the agility trials now, but I have been doing that for 5 years. The tracking test is put on by the dog club I belong to. I know Bentley can do this he has been tracking like a champ and I usually have no idea where he is going. Today he did great. I am really am excited for Sunday to get here. I am still trying to figure out exactly what shirt and jacket I am wearing to the trial.
We took the boys out to Sequiota park today and walked them. They had a great time and Chester stopped to visit some little kids along the way. Bradley was begging to get in the water near the cave so John gave him the ok. That is all Bradley need and he was in for a swim. He got out and was standing there and Bentley wanted in to so they were off and both in for a dip. Bentley has a case of monkey see monkey do but we still think it is cute that he tries to keep up with Bradley. John has been on vacation so the boys have gotten a walk at the park for the last 4 days. They will be sad tomorrow when it is just me home and no visit to the park.
Reavis has a band performance this Saturday and I am glad that I am going to get a chance to watch it. I haven't seen them yet this year.
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