Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tornado or Straight line Winds

There were some really bad storms that came through tonight. My hubby called me at work at 11pm, he never calls me at work unless it is bad. Yep, you guessed it...we got hit. If it was a tornado it wasn't a big one Thank God. My husband and the boys(our Bostons) are ok, again ...Thank God. I am hoping everything is ok at my Mom's. She lives in another state that the storms traveled through. I talked to my Grandma and let her know what happened. She said she had been worried about us. There were several reports of damage around town but thankfully no injuries.

The damage report I got from John was as follows:

Shingles everywhere, trampoline in the driveway, neighbor lost the tree in their front yard, the chain link fence where the gate is located is all messed up, there is basically no back fence with the exception of a few 6 foot sections

The real joy is that the boys now have to go out on leash to potty when renders the dog door pointless. Chester and Brady can go out with no leash since they are good boys. Bentley's nose always takes him out of the yard. Bradley well that just isn't going to happen because he hates the neighbor's cat and that would bad. I will take photos in the morning and try to post them later on.


Nicki said...

SOrry about your damage. We had our fence blow down when we lived in columbia-pretty much sucked for awhile. Hope you can get it all taken care of easily

Katrina Hunt said...

Goodness...glad everything is somewhat ok. I wondered if you were at work....